Betekenis van:
impossible action

impossible action
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • an alternative that is not available





    1. Both parties shall be released from their respective obligations in the event of national emergency, war or prohibitive governmental regulations, civil commotion, epidemic, fire, flood, industrial action, failure of payment systems, default of suppliers or subcontractors or damage to any computer or telecommunications systems or if any other cause beyond the control of the parties shall render performance of this agreement impossible.
    2. If the implementation of an action becomes impossible or if the participants fail to implement it, the Commission shall ensure the termination of the action.
    3. Where exceptional circumstances requiring immediate action make an investigation impossible, the Commission may, after informing the Committee, take any preventive measure which is strictly necessary.
    4. Not only is it impossible to anticipate the extent to which such a shift would take place but these imports could also be dumped leaving the possibility that anti-dumping action could also be instigated against them.
    5. It is impossible to use the action of catecholamines on specific receptors in the body to the benefit of equine patients without recourse to the use of a number of catecholamines, each active at a different receptor profile.
    6. Derogations may be justified on the basis of the unavailability of products and services in the markets of the countries concerned, for reasons of extreme urgency, or if the eligibility rules would make the realisation of a project, a programme or an action impossible or exceedingly difficult.
    7. Derogations may be justified on the basis of the unavailability of products and services in the markets of the countries concerned, for reasons of extreme urgency, or if the eligibility rules were to make the realisation of a project, a programme or an action impossible or exceedingly difficult.
    8. The first special case refers to the situation where it is impossible for a Member State to meet its environmental targets because of action or inaction for which the Member State concerned is not responsible, or because of natural causes or force majeure, or because of actions which that Member State has itself taken for reasons of overriding public interest which outweigh the negative impact on the environment, or because natural conditions do not allow timely improvement in the status of marine waters.
    9. The exporting producer is also aware that if it is found that these sales patterns change significantly, or that the undertaking become in any way difficult or impossible to monitor, the Commission is entitled to withdraw acceptance of the company’s undertaking resulting in definitive anti-dumping duties being imposed in its place, or it may adjust the level of the ceiling, or it may take other remedial action.
    10. The exporting producers are also aware that if it is found that these sales patterns change significantly, or that the undertakings become in any way difficult or impossible to monitor, the Commission is entitled to withdraw acceptance of the company’s undertaking resulting in definitive anti-dumping duties being imposed in its place, or it may adjust the level of the ceiling, or it may take other remedial action.
    11. The exporting producers are also aware that if it is found that these traditional sales patterns change significantly, or that the undertakings become in any way difficult or impossible to monitor, the Commission is entitled to withdraw acceptance of the company’s undertaking resulting in definitive anti-dumping duties being imposed in its place, or it may adjust the level of the ceiling, or it may take other remedial action.
    12. The Court of Justice also ruled that the national rules relating to time limits for bringing actions under national law may be relied on against workers who assert their right to join an occupational pension scheme, provided that they are not less favourable for that type of action than for similar actions of a domestic nature and that they do not render the exercise of rights conferred by Community law impossible in practice.
    13. The exporting producer is also aware that if it is found that these sales patterns change significantly, or that the undertakings become in any way difficult or impossible to monitor, the Commission is entitled to withdraw acceptance of the company’s undertakings resulting in definitive anti-dumping duties being imposed in their place, or it may adjust the level of the ceiling, or it may take other remedial action.
    14. The exporting producers should also be aware that, under the terms of the undertakings, if it is found that these sales patterns change significantly, or that the undertakings become in any way difficult or impossible to monitor, the Commission is entitled to withdraw acceptance of the company's undertaking resulting in definitive anti-dumping duties being imposed in its place at the level specified in Regulations (EC) No 658/2002 and (EC) No 132/2001 or it may adjust the level of the ceiling, or it may take other remedial action.
    15. The exporting producers should also be aware that, under the terms of the undertakings, if it is found that these sales patterns change significantly, or that the undertakings become in any way difficult or impossible to monitor, the Commission is entitled to withdraw acceptance of the company's undertaking resulting in definitive anti-dumping duties being imposed in its place at the level specified in Regulation (EC) No 3068/92 or it may adjust the level of the ceiling, or it may take other remedial action.